A little Tee’s Creation Kids Addition

I scream, you scream, we all scream for a new recipe theme. Well, the last 3 weeks have been super busy but also super exciting as I have been back in the kitchen working away at our new recipes. So, without further ado I bring to you A little Tee’s Creation Kids Addition. Did you guess it right? A little back story. I was hesitant going down this road of bringing simple children's recipes to A little Tee’s Creation just because I did not want any mothers or fathers out there to feel pressured to be creating masterpiece meals and snacks for their small humans. But I have been inundated with emails and Facebook messages about recipes and ideas for children, so I thought I would share a few with you over the next 10 weeks or so.

Over the next coming weeks I will also go into detail about a few topics such as how I handle a fussy eater or snacks I make to keep things interesting but somewhat healthier. I'll also include some tricks about hiding all the yucky vegetables in my dishes. Also, side note, these recipes are all big human handy as well. I make small changes to these recipes all the time to be suited to my liking but the other big human eats all the goodies just the way they are and loves them

I just want everyone to remember what works for my lifestyle may not work for yours. Everyone will be able to hide vegetables differently. Some little ones may not notice chunks in their food or you might have a super spy who can hunt them down like they are lost gold. But overall, there is no harm in sharing what may work.

I also did some thinking about A little Tee’s Creation Kids Addition and wondered if I would keep it around after the 10 weeks. Well, I decided I would be keeping it around. You will find on the web site now there is going to be a whole page added just for A little Tee’s Creation Kids Addition. This will be located in the menu at the top of the page. In this section you will be able to find all the kid’s recipes and blogs relating to our little, small humans. I thought it might be easier for it to just have its own little home and I can add to this over time.

I am so excited to be starting this new section. I have even gone as far as a nickname. It will be known as A Little Tee’s Kids, lol. Not too creative but a little less of a mouthful, lol. So let's get this started hey? only a short blog this week.


Fussy Eaters